Experience magical places

where the dolphins are waiting for you to connect

heart to heart, soul to soul. 

Sao Miguel, Azores

Sataya, Egypt


     (more info coming soon)



Dive into the divine - 

Swim with wild dolphins and connect with whales. 

Retreat in the Azores, Sao Miguel


 20-27/6 2024 


“We are swimming in your heartspace, in the depths of your essence, opening up new dimensions for you to experience. New dimensions of unconditional love, the vibrations of love echoing in the universe. New dimensions of deep and complete peace and oneness.” 

/Channeling from the dolphins, Charlotte Björndotter.

Join us to the magical group of islands called the Azores, and to the powerful island of Sao Miguel. In the big deep blue Atlantic ocean dolphins and whales are waiting to share their wisdom, love and transformative energies with us. Many people who have experienced close contact with wild dolphins and whales testify to physical, emotional and spiritual experiences, and no one is left untouched by their loving and playful healing presence. 

The goal is opening your heart, connecting to your heart space and aligning with your essence, your higher self. Also opening your heart to nature, animals and feeling unconditional love, compassion and oneness. A deep dive into the divine.  

The retreat is exclusive, the group consists of only 8 participants at the most which will create the best opportunities and circumstances for the participants. 

- 3 guided tours- swimming with dolphins and connecting with whales

- Lectures about dolphins- how to connect and swim with them

- Lecture about animal communication

- Special summer solstice/midsummer celebration and ceremony
- Magical full moon ceremony 

- Excursions to Caldeira Velhe,Terra Nostra parque and Nossa Senhora Da paz.
- Transformational meditations and group healing 

- Sound healing for deep relaxation
- Optional gentle movement/yoga sessions
- Ceremonies (energy work) for the waters and wellbeing of planet Earth

The main focus is of course on our 3 guided dolphin and whale tours, which we will enjoy during 3 afternoons. We have rented the boat for only our group so there will be many opportunities to swim with the dolphins. We swim 2 to 4 persons at a time. We will respect and honour the dolphins, so if they are not in a mood to meet us we will connect with them from the boat. The weather can be unpredictable in the Azores, but in june- july it is more stable. Nevertheless we can't guarantee that the weather allows us to go on all 3 tours. We have many different dolphin species in the Azores, and hopefully we will interact with and meet several of them during our tours, we usually do. There is also the possibility to meet whales, but we are not allowed to swim with them. But it is an amazing and powerful feeling to connect with them from the boat I can assure you. The company that we collaborate with are extremely respectful and caring about the dolphins and whales, and has a focus on sustainability and ecofriendly tours. 

                                            Can you feel the calling? 

                                                         Book here:                                                                                                            withlove@charlottedelphi.com


We will also do excursions on the island:

Caldeira Velhe- a beautiful powersite embedded in a lush paradise environment consisting of a beautiful waterfall and a natural pool where you can swim and relax. There is also a small thermal natural pool naturally embedded in nature with warm and healing water.

Terra Nostra, a magical botanical garden and a home to beautiful nature spirits. Terra Nostra means “our earth”. In Terra Nostra there are beautiful plants and trees from all over the world, duck ponds, mineral springs and a big thermal mineral water pool called “the fountain of youth”. The pool consists of natural minerals from a thermal spring and the water is between 35 to 40 degrees Celsius.

Nossa Senhora da paz. Above the village Vila Franca is the sanctuary of Nossa Senhora da paz located. (our Lady of Peace) A monumental staircase opens onto one of Sao Miguel’s most beautiful landscapes which includes a breathtaking view over the Atlantic ocean.

In addition we will also facilitate the following:

In order to create a deep connection with the ocean, dolphins, whales, fish, turtles, and our divine essence we invite you to daily grounding, peaceful and heartfelt meditations during the retreat.

Charlotte will give lectures about animal communication, dolphins, dolphin behavior and dolphin assisted therapy. Fia will share some of her knowledge about orcas and whales. We believe it is important to engage in learning as well as direct experiences with our oceanic friends.

Ceremonies and celebrations
It is no coincidence we have been called to visit the Azores at this exact time. The retreat will begin with the summer solstice and midsummer eve. This calls for a celebration. The following day we will witness the powerful fullmoon in Capricorn and enjoy a magical ceremony together. We will also perform a powerful and beautiful water healing ceremony, to honor the water, the sea, and all of its inhabitants. The ceremonies are led by Fia and Charlotte but created together in a way that feels safe and comfortable yet expanding for every one. You always participate in the way that feels true and natural to you.

Sound healing
You will also have the chance to enjoy sound healing group sessions. Enchanting vocals and singing bowls lull you into deep relaxation, rest and inner peace.

Movement/yoga sessions

Fia will be guiding gentle yoga/movement sessions to give the physical body and mind the softening, ease and recovery you might long for. These are yummie but optional.

Group healing and healing for planet earth

Energy healing is woven in as an integral part during ceremonies, meditations and group sessions. There are also possibilities for private sessions (more info below). A big reason we are in the Azores is that it is home to many powerful sites. Charlotte and Fia together with the cetaceans will be performing healing energy work for the Earth as whole before, during and after the retreat. If you are curious and interested in assisting you are very welcome to do that also. You will always have the option to give your consent before any healing or energy work.

Retreat investment (price) - 12 000 SEK for the retreat activities and the dolphin tours. Also including ceremonies, meditations and group sessions, a welcoming dinner, all the transportation except to and from the airport, and entrance fees in Terra Nostra and Caldeira Velhe. In addition we will also host a pre and post meeting for the participants.

The retreat price does not include accomondation, other meals and your flight. We will help you with suggestions how to book your flight.

Pre booked accomodation - A shared double room for 6 000 sek per person including breakfast. (Double bed).

Currently, we have pre booked a beautiful boutique hostel for the whole group but are keeping our eyes open for more rural and flexible option. Payed separately after retreat booking. More info about this in the confirmation email.

Booking and cancellation: Book your spot by choosing either to pay the deposit (non-refundable) or the full retreat investment. Full amount is due on the 1st of May 2024. If you cancel your spot before May 1st we reimburse the retreat investment minus the non-refundable deposit (3000 SEK). Cancellations after May 1st are not reimbursed. If you provide a doctor's certificate with valid reason for your cancellation the same cancelation rules as before May 1st apply until June 11 th.

Insurance: Each participant is required to have their own travel insurance to cover the trip and travel to and from the Azores.


                                              Can you feel the calling?

                                                            Book here:


Retreat organizers:

About Charlotte Björndotter:

Animal communicator, healer, swimming with wild dolphins retreats, nature ceremonies, guided meditations, singer and drummer, oracle card reader and best selling author.

I'm swedish and a passionate and inspiring advocate for the earth, nature and animals. My mission is to guide humans to align with their essence and discover a universal and divine heart connection with mother earth, animals and the universe.

I'm an experienced animal communicator and healer and I cooperate with advanced dolphin and whale spirit guides in the powerful healing modality, Delphi Healing.

I channel the energy, wisdom and messages from nature and animals in singing and drumming ceremoinies, retreats, healing sessions and guided meditations. I also do oracle card readings.

I offer swimming with wild dolphin retreats worldwide, for example in the Azores and in Egypt. Soon also in Zanzibar. You will learn a lot about dolphins, dolphin behaviour and how to connect with them heart to heart and soul to soul. Open your heart, feel the unconditional love and compassion . Connect and align with your essence, in oneness with nature, wild dolphins, whales and the universe. I am a best selling author and a columnist in Inspire Magazine.

www.charlottedelphi.com & FB/IG @living_the_dolphin_way

Private session - Delphi healing with Charlotte:

I have a powerful and pure connection with animals and especially with dolphins and whales. I have developed and created a healing modality with dolphins and whales called Delphi healing. The word delphi derives from the greek word delphinus which means womb, the place of creation. I work intuitively together with the purest and the highest vibrating dolphin and whale spirits. In the session I am guided by these dolphin and whale spirits and I convey their healing energy and wisdom. You will be guided on a deep inner journey where we will feel what you need at the moment. We will work with your heart energy a lot, to open your heart for pure and unconditional love and compassion for yourself, humans, nature and animals. We will work together with your spirit guides with your energy field as well as your body and your chakras. We will tap into previous lives that will help you understand yourself better. We will remove blockages that you have that prevent you from being your divine self. We will also work with animal spirits that are linked to you and help you. We will also provide spiritual guidance about what is most needed for you to know right now. The goal is to help you connect to your divine essence and to help you create the life of your dreams according to your life purpose and mission here on earth . After the session we will talk about the session and what we both experienced during the session. I will also pick oracle cards for you.

Price: 1200 sek, duration about 1,5 hours. 40-50 minutes healing and half an hour follow up.

Special offer: Combined private session with Charlotte and Fia 2000 SEK!


"A heart-opening journey with these magical dolphins that came when Charlotte asked them. The guide said that as close as they came, they tend not to come, and I felt that it was due to Charlotte. The dolphins and Charlotte helped me also to confront and overcome my fear of water which was fantastic. Memories were created that I will carry with me in my heart for the rest of my life. I warmly recommend Charlotte's trips to the dolphins and the Azores. "/ Ingela Landén-Skogmo, Norway

"Anyone who is willing and able should take this opportunity to go with Charlotte to meet the dolphins. Charlotte possess so much knowledge about dolphins on a higher plane, which means that you will not just swim with them but you will meet them from heart to heart and they will give you what you need. After this meeting, you will see the world in a different way and at a different level, and you will know what to do to live your life to the fullest! "/ Sara Syréhn, Malmo, Sweden

About Maria Iréne Fia Lehikoinen

Intuitive healer, energy worker, course facilitator, multidimensional mentor, space holder, nature and adventure guide. Initiator of the collaborative project www.pulseofgaia.com

I serve as an energy healer, intuitive guide and teacher who holds the vision of the new earth. Where humans can exist in peaceful communion with each other and in harmony with nature and the whole. I see your truth and guide to free yourself from all that prevents you from expressing your full potential and living in freedom and joy. Channeling is done with love and care, you get tools to be able to see deeper, heal and grow from where you are on your journey. I also guide you to discover your soul gifts, deepen your intuition, develop healing abilities and safely explore our multidimensional existence. Through individual sessions, mentorship, circles/ceremonies, courses and retreats.

Originally from Sweden but worked over 10 years as a nature and adventure guide in different countries including week long sea kayaking trips with killer whales, humpback whales and dolphins on the west coast of Canada.

I am passionate about many things; sustainably living, connection to nature, growing organic food and healing herbs, meaningful relationships, being real, creativity and of course my soul mission here on Earth. I hope to be able to infuse your experience during our retreat with serenity, depth, joy and authenticity.

www.mariairenefia.com & IG @mariairenefia

Private session - Intuitive energy and sound healing sessions with Fia:

Intuitive healing is a treatment that is channeled using intuition, psychic abilities, sound and different types of energy healing to give you exactly what you need most in the moment. Each treatment is unique and also includes guidance and intuitive messages.

Apart from being incredibly relaxing this work touches the deeper layers of you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Your body has an incredible capacity for self-healing. Just like nature, your internal systems are constantly striving for balance and harmony. Where every part of the whole is allowed to function exactly as it is intended to function. It is possible when we cleanse any disturbances and provide the right conditions for healing on multiple levels simultaneously. To help you with any challenges you are experiencing, to gain insight and to evolve on your journey . Safely held in unconditional love, you can heal that which is wounded, traumatized, blocked and out of balance in you. Intuitive healing can also help in removing energies that are not yours. It can be energies from other people, souls attracted to you or energy forms that need another to be close to for energy. My experience is that such energy releases often need to be followed up with internal work and integration. Healing also means reconnecting with your heart and soul. So your whole true essence may fill your body and energy sphere, bringing liberation, joy and love in your life.

Price: 1200 sek, duration about 1,5 hours. 40-50 minutes healing and half an hour follow up.

Special offer: Combined private session with Fia and Charlotte 2000 SEK!


“Wonderful Fia. So warm and genuine. What incredible intuition. Thoughtful classes but still sensitive to the needs of the group and the individual. Solid knowledge that she is generous with sharing. I feel incredibly grateful for her participation in my retreat. She was much appreciated by the guests”

“I got to know Fia through yoga, but soon noticed that she worked with so much more - life force energy. If someone had told me that they worked with energies a few years ago, I would probably have been skeptical, but after a few lessons I ventured into my first energy treatment. What Fia does is magical - she recharges tired batteries, sometimes speaks out loud what needs to be expressed, senses things that exist in other dimensions and gently guides the body and soul on the right path. Incredibly grateful that I met Fia and that she brought me back to life. After a severe exhaustion with a tired body and a tired soul, I now have a smile on my face again and a strength that I thought was lost. Recommend everyone to explore what Fia conveys and which I myself can only describe as multidimensional healing.

“Oh the circles and ceremonies under Fias guidance are magical and take the transformation to another level. Soft landing from a busy world, thoughts and feelings that become clearer, dreams that dare to be born. A community where all feelings are welcome and seen under the gentle care”

More thoughts from previous retreat participants:

"I'm writing this mostly to you, especially the ones who havent yet been on a "swimming with dolphins" trip to Azores with Charlotte. Of course its for Charlotte too! But she knows very well what is happening with me after I joined her on this trip, and even before the trip actually started.

I was NOT going on a holiday ... I didnt have the money, it wasnt in my plan to take any time off ... I was working, working, working ... fixed and focused on my plan to pay off debts, and THEN get moving with my dream/new life plan! I had a major comittment to that ....
Then Charlotte and the dolphins came along!
That is, I first noticed her invitation and plan to go to Azores this september through another friend, Anette, and I'll be thanking her for the rest of my life for this recommendation.

Where do I start? My first meeting with the dolphins and the dolphin-energy happened in a "dream" .... yes it was a dream, but I woke up just after, and the whole thing seemed so real, and I remember having been conscious in the dream, I was aware it was a dream, and observing it as it went along.... the first main connection happened there ... communication was started ... and the healing and the transformation begun....
I have to tell you, Im still in the middle of that transformation and healing process ... a few weeks after arriving at home again ... and I`m very surprised and AMAZED at how powerful this is , especially since working with healing energies and strong, high frequency energies is by far not new to me.
The trip was like a living dream .... The Island of San Miguel, Azores is incredibly beautiful .... and we were so lucky: sun, sun, sun for the whole week, calm oceans, and THREE boat-trips to meet the wild dolphins and swim with them in the very big and very blue Atlantic Ocean ... I tell you, this is PURE MAGIC ... and if I knew I had only one week left to live I would take my son, jump on the first plane and just BE RIGHT THERE with this most amazing and lush nature, the nature spirits, the people and the PURE LOVE BEINGS --> the dolphins ....Charlotte, is in my eyes, a combination of the dolphins and a very powerful mermaid, in a human form... it feels to me like she just came out of the oceans to help us with our lives .... and to help us TRULY connect with our hearts Smiley heart She is strong and flexible at the same time, loving and clear at the same time, very playful, easy, light ... and very intelligent at the same time, JUST like the dolphins. And she is a woman of ACTION, stuff happens for real around her. So dear, dear friends .... if you want to give yourself or any of your loved ones a GIFT OF A LIFETIME, please go on a trip with her to Azores.... Your life will NOT be the same afterwards ... my life will for sure never be the same again, I will never be the same again .... this amazing love-energy has entered my life to stay ... and is transforming it from within ... At the same time that Im acting and doing what needs to be done, Im also simply watching and observing the beautiful changes taking place in my life now ... and then I giggle a bit inside, thinking about what the "mother-dolphin" told me in that first dream, after she had made me aware of a very deep longing and also sorrow I was carrying inside me ... "dont worry, we know how u feel, we GOT YOU" And they sure do! /Cathrine Larssen, Norway

"What I notice after the dolphin course is that I get easily moved and cry. Especially when I meet children and look into their eyes or other events that touches my heart, for example the refugee situation. This with children it may have to do with that I saw and interacted with a mother dolphin and her calf when I was swimming on one of the dolphin tours.. Recently I met the eyes of a child in a shop and I do not think I have ever experienced so much love. I had to go away because I started to cry. It was a really intense moment." /Ann-Christin Isaksson, Sweden.

" Charlotte is a warm and generous person who includes everybody in a group. I warmly recommend her dolphincourses. We had the time for many experiences in a comfortable tempo. We visited magical places, swam with dolphins, and connected with our innermost self , our core. The trip had so many nice moments that Charlotte had picked out for us to make our trip special. She has the ability to find those very special and magical places and moments. She communicates with and cares and protect the animals very deeply and in a unique way, and can convey this in a humble way. I felt I could rest during the trip, just come along and experience without effort. I could connect inwardly with myself, and focus totally on myself and develop myself. The trip has been useful for my personal development and I like the combination of experiencing, magic, rest and personal development. Thank you Charlotte for your gift that you so nicely share with the world. /Caroline Edgren, Sweden, participant Azores 2015.

“Anyone who is willing and able should take this opportunity to go with Charlotte to connect and swim with the dolphins. Charlotte possesses so much knowledge about dolphins on a higher level which means that you will not just swim with them but you will connect with them heart to heart and they will give you what you need. After this meeting you will see the world in a different way and you will know what to do to live your life to the fullest!” /Sara Syrehn, Malmö, Sweden.

                                                Can you feel the calling?

                                                              Book here: 



Sataya, Egypt, in collaboration with Al Thuraya Red Sea.

Sataya is a nature reserve and a magical reef off the coast of Egypt. The energies there are truly amazing and transformative. The seven sisters, the Pleiades, are seen in the skies at night and you can even experience sleeping under the night sky, watching all the shining stars, listening to the waves and the warm breeze embracing you. We will sleep on a beautiful yacht in Sataya for a week. Marie Falkering will offer Yin yoga sessions and crystal bowl sessions, including singing.

We will connect with the magical dolphins several times a day and during guided meditations to deepen the connection and opening up our hearts to unconditional love, compassion and oneness. I will tell you about animal communication, dolphins, dolphin behaviour and their therapeutic effects on humans. To dive deep into your heart and align with your essence, your higher self. We will also swim and connect with all the beautiful fish and the beautiful reef which is so amazing and magical. Fish in all shapes and sizes and beautiful shells and corals.

Next retreats: 2024, dates not decided yet.

  Information about our retreat: