Songs , guided meditations, parenting

Songs from the earth, nature spirits and animal spirits

I channel songs from nature and animals, vibrating of unconditional pure love, healing and power. The songs are important for raising the vibration of the earth, for opening our hearts in order to feel compassion and love for ourselves as well as for the earth, nature, and animals. To unite in love, creating unconditional love, compassion and balance on earth.


I will soon offer singing and drumming retreats where you will learn to channel songs.

For more information see my facebook page ”Living the dolphin way- Charlotte”.

Free recording: Navi’s song = coming soon..


Guided meditations 

I offer guided meditations which I create in cooperation with nature, animals, spirit guides  and animal and nature spirits. I also sing and drum in some of the meditations.


A guided dolphin meditation, for free!


Dolphin meditation: Connect with dolphin energy, immerse yourself in the magical and powerful heartopening dolphin energies. The dolphin energy is powerful, pure, compassionate, playful, loving and full of  unconditional love. Enjoy! The meditation is created by me and the sounds and music is created by Michael Lotus. 


The following meditations are on their way...

Whale meditation: Connect with whale energy, merging deeply with your true divine essence and the universe.


Tree meditation: connecting with trees and tree spirits and our hearts. Healing and connecting with love, mother earth and the universe.


Water meditation: connection with water for purification, balance, healing and flow.


 Guided meditations with etheric oils, singing and shamanic drums!

I also cooperate with my dear soulsister Anna Stillwell in special sessions including etheric oils, guided meditations with singing and shamanic drums. We have a facebook page called ”Sacred heart journey’s”. So follow us there and the sessions and spiritual connecting with nature retreats that we offer.

Parenting and children

I love children and I feel so blessed being a parent myself. I have worked with parents as a teacher in parenting courses for 15 years. I have also educated teachers for parenting courses. I offer lectures and courses in parenting and communication, based on my experiences as an intuitive as well as different inspirational concepts like mindful parenting, non violent communication and the work of Jesper Juul and Ross Green. Please contact me for more information.                 


Guided meditations for children that are on its way on being recorded:

Playing with dolphins and whales

Playing with trees and tree spirits

 More are on its way..



Family retreats in the Azores!

I also offer one week family retreats in the Azores, Portugal. A week of deep connection with your hearts, your intutition, nature and wild dolphins and whales. We will learn about dolphins and whales and we will connect with wild  dolphins and whales in the deep blue Atlantic ocean. We will also  swim with wild dolphins 3 times, which is an unforgettable and lifechanging experience. We will learn more about parenting, for example the art of communication and being in the now. We will learn from the dolphins and whales, how to live a life in joy, harmony, flow, unconditional love, freedom and unity with ourselves, mother earth, animals and the universe. Dolphins and whales want to help us to let go of limiting beliefs and to open our hearts  and discover who we really are. They want us to follow our hearts and dreams and create heaven on earth. To let your inner light shine, far and wide! Living the dolpin way!



”This was the coolest thing I ever experienced!” /Lucas, Kasper, Elliott, 14, 16 and 11 years old.

”It was unusual, fun and exciting to swim with dolphins.” /Lucas 14 years old.

”It was super exciting to jump into the water and so fun and exciting to see the dolphins in the water. I think that every child in the world should be able to swim with wild dolphins.” /Elliott, 11 years old.

”An unforgettable retreat with special encounters with the most wonderful creatures that will stay with me for the rest of my life. My most special memory was when I had eye contact with a bottlenose dolphin. It felt like time stopped for a while. I loved to experience my son getting out of the water with the most happiest smile on his face, his eyes shining bright, and a warm feeling in his heart.” /Anna Strandin, Östersund, Sweden

” Me and my son went on a dolphin retreat with Charlotte. My son’s biggest dream has been swimming with wild dolphins. We went with the hope of seeing them but we were unsure that we would dare to jump into the big blue Atlantic ocean. But when we saw them I was filled with such a joy and I felt completely safe when I jumped in and snorkeled with them. I felt completely protected by the dolphins. Such amazing creatures. We even met two Fin whales and my tears were rolling down my cheeks because of all the amazing and loving energies that they conveyed. My 16 year old son had tears in his eyes when we had to say goodbye to the dolphins and to the Azores. It was a powerful and amazing trip and experience that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. Charlotte is really a fantastic person and guide.  ” /Ylva Brygg, Ås, Sweden